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Bridging Two Worlds

Oliver von Wolff


United States

Series A

In a recent conversation at the majestic Burj Daman in Dubai, we sat down with Oliver von Wolff, a name synonymous with venture capital, Web 3, and many other industries. Oliver's multi-faceted persona and his newest venture, Helion Ventures, bridge Africa and the Middle East, connecting innovation, investment, and infrastructure in these two regions. Here's what unfolded in pt 1. of our dissected multi-pt conversation.

From the Hue Seth Show to Hueman Media

"Hue: Welcome back to the conversation, Oliver. The last time we talked was on the Hue Seth Show, and today, it's all about Hueman Media. I must say, Dubai is spellbinding. What an experience!"

"Oliver: It's always a pleasure, Hue. And yes, Dubai is all about dazzle, especially if it's your first time. Welcome back!"

Who is Oliver von Wolff?

"Hue: Let's dive right into it. Who is Oliver von Wolff? What's cooking in your pot of projects?"

"Oliver: I'm a German native but have spent considerable time in the MENA region since 1999. My professional repertoire includes Investment Banking, real estate, telecommunications, and most recently, crypto and Blockchain. Helion Ventures is my latest initiative here in Dubai."

Helion Ventures Unveiled

"Hue: Helion sounds fascinating. Can you elaborate a bit?"

"Oliver: Certainly. Helion Ventures is a unique blend of a venture capital firm and venture builder. We scrutinize approximately 75-100 projects every month, diving deeper into the promising ones. Our investment pillars range from financial platforms like banking 4.0 to gaming, digital media, real-world asset tokenization, healthcare, and green technologies."

Going Global

"Hue: You've recently opened an office in Shanghai and have Alibaba's investment arm for Web Three projects. It sounds like Helion is not just focusing on the GCC or MENA but is genuinely global."

"Oliver: Absolutely. Helion Ventures has a global focus and eyes projects that create value across continents."

Investment Mechanics

"Hue: I'm curious about the fund size and investment mechanics. Can you share?"

"Oliver: Helion Ventures operates out of the DIFC and deploys smart capital rather than typical funds. We're backed by 'silent' LP investors who prefer confidentiality but are very much engaged in forwarding intelligent projects."


Our chat with Oliver von Wolff was enlightening and demonstrated how visionaries like him are bridging boundaries between Africa and the Middle East. With initiatives like Helion, the future appears brighter, the world smaller, and unlimited possibilities.

Stay tuned for pt.2 of our exclusive interview. We will unpack the complexity of global investments, technology advancements, and the individuals that make it all possible.


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